Are you looking for GP Emergency Balance 2024 and an active code? Today, I will discuss how you can get an instant emergency balance using the USSD code.
By using this code, you can easily take emergency balance anywhere in less time. It is a helpful service for this company user. You can avail of this service if your balance is low.
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Now, You will be shown step-by-step how to get GP Emergency Balance using the USSD Code and I will discuss Grameenphone teams & conditions. You can take emergency balance very quickly by following methods.
How to get GP Emergency Balance
How to take emergency balance at GP will be shown in a few simple steps. Emergency Balance plays a special role in providing seamless communication to GP.
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Emergency balance acts as your lifeline in any situation. Read on to learn how to get an emergency balance now.
Link: GP Balance Check
Every GP customer can get GP Emergency Balance by dialing the USSD code. If you want to take Emergency Balance, dial *121*1*0# or call 121.
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GP Emergency Code:
- To get GP emergency balance dial *121*1*3#
- To know the eligible balance please dial *121*1010*2#
They provide an emergency balance of Taka 10 to Taka 100 or more for all customers. Grameenphone Special has some customers who can get emergency loans up to 200 Taka.
To check your Balance?
You can easily check your emergency balance through your phone. For this, you have to go to the message option on your mobile and dial a code. There will be no charge for an emergency balance check. So, check your emergency balance to dial *121*1*2#.
What is Emergency Balance?
Think where you are going and you are having a meaningful conversation with someone on mobile. At such a time, your mobile balance has suddenly run out. Then, you need to recharge the emergency mobile.
Link: GP SMS Check
But where you don’t get a flexiload shop or mobile recharge shop is far away from you. What
will you do, and how will you feel? Then you can take their emergency balance service from Grameenphone.
It is easy for Grameenphone customers to avail, and any prepaid and postpaid customer can make emergency mobile recharge through the Grameenphone Emergency Balance facility.
It is a helpful service for this company user.
Terms and conditions
- You can take a maximum of 200 Taka.
- Take an emergency balance by dialing *121*1*3#
- Emergency Balance check to dial *121*1*2#
- Emergency balance will be deducted from your account balance after recharge.
- People using Skito SIM cannot avail of this service.
- If you have not paid after taking your earlier emergency balance then you cannot take a new emergency balance.
Link: GP Internet Offer