Bangladeshi Best Mobile operator Grameenphone recently published their GP new internet offer 2020. The name of this internet offer is 1GB new internet Offer 2020 only 19 Taka and expiration 14 days. GP subscribers get 1 GB internet with 19 Taka.
The lowest price internet offer for Grameenphone customers Grameenphone has recently launched 4G internet and it is a great surprise for Bangladeshi people. This GP 1GB internet package. To get this internet offer dial *5020*2218#. This Internet validity is 14 days. Airtel
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GP New Internet offer 2020 – GP 1GB @19 Tk :
- To purchase the offer, dial *5020 *2218#
- How to Internet Balance check dial *121* 1*4#
- Use the offer to buy the new GP internet now.
Hope this internet offer is the best offer for all Grameenphone users. To activate this offer and enjoy it. Bangladesh is the fastest network service company Grameenphone.
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We hope you like this offer. GP always publish awesome offer. Grameenphone is the largest telecom operator in Bangladesh. If you want to more know or buy offer. So, you visit our website daily than you know more gp offer or other sim offer in Bangladesh.